Tax Consulting

The objective of our tax consulting is to support our clients with a personalized and close-at-hand service, regarding their daily operations, in Mexico as well as abroad and thus, ensure that they have full legal certainty.

We provide support from the start of the business up until the most complex operations that require a high degree of specialization in tax law.

The consulting services range from the analysis of a specific operation, up to the acquisition of goods, corporate restructuring, tax strategies as needed, asset structures, even estate planning, and anything required in order to obtain a greater comparative advantage.

Consulting in Contributions and Local Taxes

Given the constant changes to local legislation, we support our clients in the fulfillment and defense of their rights against the tax authorities with respect to local taxes.
For that purpose, we design strategic projects and specific projects when it comes to the property tax, real estate, payroll, public spectacles, gambling, lotteries and contests, accommodations, water supply and discharge, and registration rights, among others.

International Commerce

In BAC we understand that we find ourselves in a globalized world, and that the activities and operations of our clients are done in an international market, which is why it is necessary to offer those clients a comprehensive service in international commerce consulting, which consists of orienting them to take advantage of tax benefits that derive from laws, regulations, decrees, and intranational agreements, as well as the conventions Mexico has signed with other countries.

This way, through this comprehensive consulting in international commerce, our clients can maximize the opportunities and take advantage of the instruments that are available to them, minimize risks, and reduce their production and operation costs; which translates to international mercantile operations that are more affordable for their businesses and projects.

Likewise, we support our clients in the defense of their rights in international commerce, given that we offer litigation services within this practice area.

Anti-trust Consulting

One of the elements in any open economy is free trade, which is why Mexico, through the Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica (COFECE), investigates industries and markets, so that the participating economic agents can do so with competition and thus, combat monopolistic practices.

This is why in BAC we understand the need that our clients have, when they are going to undertake or implement a given business, of having legal certainty as it relates to not engaging in practices that involve or could involve monopolies in the industries in which they participate, which is why our services is destined to this goal, as well as tending to, in a personalized manner, the different injunctions that COFECE may issue.

Sports Related Tax Consulting

The sports industry has grown exponentially in the last few years, however, there are different necessities with regards to the tax effects that arise from all of the transactions generated by this industry, which is why BAC offers its clients that participate in this industry, a specialized service of high quality, specifically, with everything related to the advising that they may require with regards to the tax effects of the operations that they perform or intend to perform, as well as tax strategies that are ideal for their necessities.

Tax Litigation

With the objective of providing a comprehensive service, in BAC we support our clients in the defense of their rights against the tax authorities.

Likewise, the litigation practice area is essential in order to defend our clients, given the tax advising and planning that we propose to them so that they can develop their businesses efficiently.

For that purpose, we support our clients from the audits they have with the tax authorities, as well as through the filing of appeals for revocation, annulment claims, and constitutional claims, up until their completion.

Administrative Litigation

In the same manner, in BAC we understand the need that our clients have of defending themselves from the actions performed by administrative authorities, given the different faculties that these authorities have, as a result of regulations.

Just like with tax litigation, in BAC we support our clients with the filing of any recourse in this practice area, including constitutional claims.

Asset Planning

One of BAC’s main concerns is to protect our client’s assets, whether they reside in Mexico or abroad.

For that reason, asset planning can be found among the services BAC offers, which consists of designing structures that allow for the acquisition and transmission of goods from generation to generation with transparency as well as legal and tax efficiency.

Other Services

One of the objectives of BAC is to provide our clients a specialized and comprehensive service in tax law, which is why it is necessary to complement this service with other legal necessities, such as consulting in corporate law, administrative law at the federal as well as at the local level, intellectual property law, as well as prevention and defense of money laundering.

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